Types of Depression: Navigating the Emotional Landscape

Hello, hello, today I want to explore the intricate aspects of depression and I think this needs to begin by gathering an overview of the types of depression that you might be struggling with. Now if you read my first blog you would know the number of depression types was completely foreign to me with only knowing the main 3, prenatal and postnatal depression, clinical depression and seasonal affective depression. I am sure many of you lovely readers are in the same boat but thats why I do what I do so you can see it all in one place!


Today I have summarised the 9 types I have learned about but not to worry if you think one of these types of depressions is relatable I will be writing in depth blogs on each so you can get a better understanding!

emotional landscape, depression, green and pretty

Clinical Depression

  • Diagnosed by a doctor, clinical depression spans from moderate to severe.
  • Symptoms can manifest at any age, with episodes varying in intensity.
  • For more information please feel free to explore our indepth blog here.

Recurrent Depressive Disorder

  • Diagnosis requires at least two depressive episodes.
  • Episodes may occur irregularly, separated by symptom-free periods.
  • Not to be confused with bipolar or personality disorders.
  • Those who have had one depressive episode in the past are 50% more likely to have reoccuring symptoms an those who have had two are 80% more likely.
  • For a more indepth dive into reccurent depression check out our blog here.

Reactive Depression

  • Triggered by significant life events such as childbirth, relationship changes, or job loss.
  • Explore the range of factors contributing to reactive depression.


  • A milder, persistent form of depression, also known as persistent depressive disorder.
  • Linked to various factors like genetics, environment, and chronic stress.
  • Learn more about dysthymia here.
Winer scene, seasonal affective disorder, person in snow


  • A mild form of bipolar disorder characterized by mood swings.
  • Periods of low mood interspersed with emotional highs (hypomania).
  • Find out more about cyclothymia here.

Manic Depression / Bipolar Disorder

  • Involves mood swings from extreme highs to lows.
  • Manic symptoms include increased energy, impulsivity, and agitation.
  • Treatable with medication and talking therapies. Explore further here.

Psychotic Depression

  • Includes delusions and hallucinations alongside typical depression symptoms.
  • Factors contributing to psychotic depression range from genetics, gender, to traumatic life events.
  • It can feel extremely frightening and is complex to treat but can be done.

Prenatal or Postnatal Depression

  • Affects women during pregnancy (prenatal) or after childbirth (postnatal).
  • Severe symptoms lasting longer than 2 weeks may indicate postpartum depression.
  • Various factors contribute, including hormonal changes and life stress. Learn more here.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

  • Depression with a seasonal pattern, often linked to reduced sunlight.
  • Symptoms may worsen in winter or, less commonly, in summer.
  • Disruption of melatonin and serotonin production is thought to play a role in SAD. Find out more here.

Now this is one of my more quick read blogs but I would be keen to know what your thoughts are, do you want more long-form reading content or are you here for the quick snippets of information and just to get an overview? Comment down below!


All my blogs are constantly being updated and tweaked to make sure they are serving my beautiful community (you guys) to make sure the most accurate information is being provided. Look forward to seeing you next week where I am going to be picking apart each type of depression so that you can get to know more!


Founder, The Affordable Therapy Co.

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